Saturday, August 15, 2009

How would my life be different if I were not Mormon?

If I stopped being Mormon tomorrow, how would my life be different? I have no intention of leaving the Church, because I like it, and I think it's more good than bad. So this is really just a mental exercise. It's part of keeping an open mind. So, would my life be turned upside down if I left the Church? Probably not.

I consider substance abuse to be vulgar, so I wouldn't start using alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or coffee. (I do eat a lot of ice cream, though, which is kind of against the spirit of the Word of Wisdom. As long as I stay at 130lbs., though, I think I will continue to abuse the creamy, delicious substance, Mormon or not.) My class snobbery would also prevent me from taking up swearing or wearing sleeveless shirts. I mean, come on. I don't live in a trailer.

I wouldn't be unfaithful to my wife, because I feel a deep sense of loyalty to her and the children. Plus, it's not like hot women are throwing themselves at me anyway. Or even not-hot women.

I wouldn't stop paying tithing, because our household finances are all held in common, and my wife would want to keep paying it. Fast offerings, too. Withholding these from her would make me feel like a selfish jerk.

I'm not going to get Sundays off, either. It's likely that my wife would exploit my churchlessness to make me get the kids ready for church in the morning or do the dishes while she's away. "It's not like you've got anything better to do," she might say, "so you may as well get something helpful done while we're gone at church." It wouldn't make for a very relaxing nor satisfying Sabbath.

Before I went to the temple, I used to wear a cotton T-shirt and boxer briefs under my clothes, which is pretty much the same as the garments I wear now. So even that would be almost identical.

The only things I can think of which would change are negative. I wouldn't be able to participate in priesthood ceremonies. My kids would have to be baptized by some other dude. People would stop asking me to offer prayers. I'd have a lot of awkward conversations with people when they ask something about church and I tell them I'm not a member anymore. My neighbors would avoid me at the supermarket.

On the plus side, I'd be free to engage in loud laughter and lightmindedness. And I wouldn't have to call people and bug them about whether they got their home teaching done. Nevertheless, I'm sure I am happier in the church than I would be out of it. I don't think I'm really missing anything by being a member that I would indulge in if I weren't. Except, maybe, the loud laughter.

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